Friday 8 February 2008

More about me

Before I start blogging in earnest let me state my position more clearly, since anyone who writes on the web with a hidden agenda is not to be trusted.

Firstly I love Grouply. I was an early beta tester of the service and proudly continue to test and discuss new ideas for development. I own or moderate around ten groups and am a member of around 80 more. I have been involved in forum -styled communities as my main Internet activity since, well let's say the year 2000, though I have run groups going back to eGroups days. In fact I can trace my "online" group activity to before the Internet was operational, let's but a stamp on that of around 1980. From those days I remember the heady excitement of logging on to ArpaNet.

My recent Internet activities are primarily in the freecycling fraternity. You can visit my blog there - The FreeRRRs - if you wish to read more. It is through this that I have come to expand my Yahoo Group activities.

What drives me forward is the total sense of community. If something supports that then I am interested, and not surprisingly that is what Grouply does for me, and that's why I created this blog.

As you read posts I will hopefully point you to both positive and negative references on Grouply. I will provide you with my take on it, and providing you are polite and on topic then I am happy to field comments, especially robustly argued ones.

(You will see in the side bar feeds from various web resources. If you feel there is a deserving feed to add, let me know.)

And so, on with the show...

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