Sunday 10 February 2008

Fixes are rolling out

The Grouply Improvements group is having an effect. The first fix that came out was an unsubbing tool that does not require manual intervention, which is available from the settings page.

Grouply are working on other issues as they are clarified by the group. The moderators of the group are also working hard to keep issues separated, but naturally there is overlap and confusion - and perhaps differences of opinion in some instances. One such are is regarding opt-0ut and opt-in. My guess is that such things will be implemented and the first implementation will work for some people but others will need to explain why it does not work for them and their privacy needs.

Rather than looking at the differences, what seems impressive to me is the consort of opinion that seems to be in the group at the moment. If Grouply are able to implement these to the satisfaction of the majority, then the my guess is service should be able to lose its beta epithet.

But there is a way to go yet.

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