Sunday 10 February 2008

Help fight spam

There are a lot of people who have complained about Grouply causing spam. Take this posting on as just one example.

Now its not that I don't believe people, but as far as I know Grouply should actually inhibit spam. Also across all my groups I have not seen one shred of evidence. Perhaps I am lucky! Anyway I conclude from that is that it must be one or more members of particular groups that are using Grouply to spam.

Now, I am sure that some of the developments in Grouply that are being worked on as we speak will block some potential loopholes, and already I know of one that was addressed where a member could send messages to a group with a stock message.

However if there is some further way that Grouply is being abused by spammers then it really is important for everyone to help eradicate that. If someone sends me a copy of a spam to my email, it would be much appreciated. This may just help Grouply to find any loophole used by a spammer - and block it.

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