Now let me say, that I for one do not generally like the Internet redefinition of friends, and I struggle even with Grouply's. However a contributor going under the pseudo-name of netbud seems to be trying to take Grouply to task on the subject and so uses the Ungrouply blog as a vehicle for expanding on this.
Amidst the lengthy treatise there is at least one useful point, that Grouply could provide a "delete friend" button, and netbud states that this idea has been taken on by Grouply. However rather than accepting that a good idea has been taken on board netbud seems to go on and imply that it hasn't. I will let you dear reader decide whether to wade through the rest of the lengthy post.
For me, I would like to say thank you to Netbud, it is only by suggesting improvements in a product or service that it will ever be improved, and this suggestion gets my vote.